Creative connector

Creative Connector is a platform of interdisciplinary, multimedia and interactive artists, from the local area but active on the national and international scene. It has a strong transmedia presence that invites people to act rather than merely observe, interlinking cutting-edge advances with art: creativity at the service of science and technology.

The Creative Connector platform is open to all those interested in investigating interdisciplinary fields and expanding their knowledge. It is, above all, a permanent meeting and information point that guides research on the connections between art, science, technology and society.

It has a dual function, bringing together specialists and professionals while sharing results and experiences with the general public, thereby expanding the community of people involved and fostering the generation of new audiences.

Artists promote the evolution of the social, political and economic structure through their engagement

Maya-Marja Jankovic

Maya Marja Jankovic is responsible for coordination and artistic direction of the Display project for Jaume I University.

Find out more

Maya-Marja Jankovic is a multimedia artist. She investigates the connection between the individual and society, touching on contemporary issues in different social spheres and interweaving time and space in her work. She explores the way individuals communicate with their context – this interaction, the process, and its impact on the subconscious. Her field of work takes in multimedia, interdisciplinary and theatre arts. She is a founding member of Creative Connector and Director of the contemporary art space Kúbico. Jankovic also develops university projects involving multidisciplinary education in the arts.




Culture must be understood as a critical and creative force that questions established ways of thinking and working and [which] could inspire a fresh approach to urban planning and policy (Franco Bianchini).

The central purpose of Jaume I University's Cultural Model, UJI-encultura, is to include culture as a value and reference point in university life, involving the whole of the local population in this endeavour.

All of the activities and actions that make up the structure of UJI's Cultural Model are framed in the context of UJI-encultura, reinforcing its impact.

The approval of this Cultural Model by the University's Board of Governors and the creation of a Cultural Committee uphold the spirit of this document to take a first step in recuperating the position that culture should have at the university.

Culture as the University's Mission: Beyond Teaching and Research

Carmen Lázaro Guillamón, Vice-Chancellor of Culture and Institutional Relations at Jaume I University.


Jaume I University's Sociocultural Activities Service (Servicio de Actividades Socioculturales – SASC) is responsible for developing the social and cultural dimension of UJI through different lines of activity (training, creation, dissemination). As a cultural agent, SASC acts throughout the region and the University's sphere of influence to promote strategies that stimulate cultural development and citizen participation.

The SASC comes under the auspices of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of Culture and Institutional Relations, offering its services through various classrooms and programmes:

  • Artistic Innovation Classroom
  • Carles Pons Theatre Classroom
  • Cinema and Youth Creativity Classroom
  • Music Classroom
  • Photography Classroom
  • University Extension Programme (PEU)
  • Paraninfo Artistic Programme

Exhibition spaces:

  • Galería Octubre
  • Llotja del Cànem exhibition space
  • Paraninfo exhibition space

It might seem obvious, but at the Cultural Activities Service (SASC) of Jaume I University we work with people and foster dialogues that facilitate our participation in the sociocultural processes that arise among our people. This implies a change of paradigms to transform relations between the both parties. “We generate new scenarios that facilitate peer work, to a more demanding level – it is not a swift process, but the results are much more satisfactory for everyone.

We build new scenarios that facilitate work among equals

Albert López Monfort, Coordinator of SASC, Jaume I University.